Supergirl Season 4 – 女超人4

Supergirl Season 4 - 女超人4 - Episode 01
Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Saber (Cantonese) - 倚天屠龍記

Description: 女超人 (IV) – Supergirl (IV)
女超人這次面對從沒遇過的危機, 全城瀰漫著新一波反外星人情緒。卡娜在指導新入職記者的同時, 嘗試利用傳媒的力量讓人正視這威脅全城的問題。可是她正是市民害怕的外星人, 該如何應付這場反外星人運動?
In season four, Supergirl is facing a bigger threat than she’s ever faced before – a new wave of anti-alien sentiment, spreading across National City. As Kara mentors a new reporter at CatCo, Nia Nal, and tries to use the power of the press to shine a light on the issues threatening to tear the city apart. But how does Supergirl battle a movement when she, herself an alien, represents one of the main things people are fearful of?

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong