The Emperor’s Harem (Cantonese) – 後宮

The Emperor's Harem (Cantonese) - 後宮 - Episode 01
Love Is Not Blind (Cantonese) - 失戀33天

105478_200Description: After many years as the Emperor, Ming Emperor Ming Xian Zong had yet to produce a male heir. Dowager Zhou who was the Emperor’s birth mother, and the worried court officials, pressurized the Emperor to take on new consorts. Meanwhile, the Emperor’s most favourite concubine, Wan Zhen Er,(Wan Gui Fei), had a baby boy not long after who died within a month. Thus, when other concubines got pregnant, Wan Gui Fei was jealous and worried so she collaborated with a powerful eunuch, Wang Zhi a.k.a Wang Chang Gong, who got the Emperor’s notice thanks to Wan Gui Fei, to make the other concubines miscarriage. Meanwhile, the main character, Shao Chunhua(previous name: Li Ziyun), met her friend, Shao Qingzi a.k.a Shao Xian Fei(previous name: Shao Chunhua), who was from outside the palace who saved her before when they were both kids. Shao Chunhua also met Yang Yong, who became a male musician in the palace. Unfortunately, Shao Chunhua and another good friend of hers, Bai Hanxiang a.k.a Bai Chen Fei, who grew up together with her in the palace fell in love with the same man. Will the good truimph over evil and will Chunhua ever finds true love in a place where one could die anytime?

後宮佳麗三千,全部也屬於至高無上的皇帝。誰敢擔保說,三千個妃嬪也只心繫可能連一面也見不上的皇上?人與人之間總有明爭暗鬥,三千人之中,只被數人針對,也足以使人喘不過氣來。 自幼父母雙亡的李紫雲(安以軒飾),被鄰居邵家收養,與邵家親生女兒邵春華一同生活。為報答邵家之恩,紫雲願意代替春華入宮成宮女,而真正的邵家千金則易名為邵清姿(呂一飾)。 春華入宮時,在位的皇帝明憲宗(蔣毅飾)冊立了萬貞兒(楊怡飾)為皇貴妃,使春華見到後宮中的恐怖。被送配司膳房的春華與剛認識的浣衣局宮婢柏含香(劉庭羽飾),因緣際會考入樂工局,以為不用處身於人事鬥爭中,只需練好曲藝便可在宮中求存。這樣的想法實在太天真…… 有姑母凌司正撐腰的凌七巧(劉娜萍飾),視春華為死對頭,處處陷害,春華卻因此反被憲宗欣賞。另一邊廂,清姿的舞藝超凡被義父潘洪引薦,同樣獲得憲宗的歡心。眾女地位的提升,亦開始觸及到宮中其他人的神經,妒意萌生,萬貴妃怕地位不保,開始針對各人。 樂師楊永(馮紹峰飾)的兄長楊洛,因一次入宮遊玩而惹來殺身之禍,楊永因被萬貴妃賞識而有機會進樂工局,伺機調查兄長死亡真相,認識同屬樂工局的春華、含香,兩女亦對他漸生愛慕。萬料不到,憲宗因為一曲而封含香為宸妃,含香受寵若驚,其後更與清姿先後懷有龍種,卻仍然心繫楊永。真愛可見而不可及,後宮的愛情故事是如此複雜及可悲。
Language: Cantonese
Country: China
Director: Huang Jian Xun
Cast: Shao Chun Hua, Li Zi Yun, Yang Yong, Wang Zhi