Let’s Fight Ghost (Cantonese) – 打架吧鬼神

Untouchable (English subtitles) - 언터처블
Nothing to Lose (English subtitles) - 이판사판

Description: Based on webcomic “Ssauja Gwisina (싸우자 귀신아)” by Im In Seu which was published from 2007-June-04 to 2010-Oct-30 via naver.com (Season 1, Season 2 & Season 3)

Kim Hyun Ji (Kim So Hyun)studied for her 19 years before she died in an accident. She is now a ghost and has wandered around the world for several years. Hyun Ji then meets exorcist Park Bong Pal (TaecYeon). Hyun Ji and Bong Pal listens to various stories from ghosts and sends them to the otherworld.

《打架吧鬼神》由《一起吃飯吧2》的朴俊和導演及新人編劇李大日聯手打造,是改編自同名網絡漫畫。朴奉八(玉澤演 飾)雖然很討厭鬼,但為了賺錢不得不利用自己看到鬼的能力而成為驅魔師。奉八在偶然的情況下遇到了19歲的女鬼金賢智(金所炫 飾),並邀請她一同驅魔,過程中對搞怪活潑的她產生了奇妙的情感,編寫出一個結合恐怖﹑浪漫及搞笑的故事。

Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Director: Park Joon Hwa
Cast:  TaecYeon, Kim So Hyun, Kwon Yool, Kim Sang Ho, Kang Ki Young
Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, Romance