Outburst – 900 重案追兇

Another Era (English subtitles) - 再创世纪
Nothing to Declare - 緝私群英

Description: Hoi (Deric Wan) was once a cop, but his hot temper cost him his job. He then joined a security company as the head investigator. Ching (Ng Kai Wah), Hoi’s partner in the police force, on the other hand, was always cool-minded. Though Hoi had left the force, he still worked closely with Ching and they solved many tough cases like “Killing with Arrows”, “Vanishing Art Director”, “Corpse in the Sack” and “Homicide in a Sealed Room”. Then, the two friends fell for the charming Sai (Jessica Hester Hsuan) together. Sai chose Ching after she broke up with Hoi. Hoi went back to his ex-girlfriend Man (Mok Ho Yan), but he was immediately caught up in the case “Poisonous Wedding”. Man was murdered at the wedding and Sai and Hoi were suspects…

朱承開本為一名CID,「霹靂火」性格遠近聞名,承開被一名涉嫌殺死妻子及姦夫的疑犯誣蔑毆打,其後疑犯亦因證據不足沒有被起訴,承開覺沒趣,憤而辭職不幹,轉去保安公司任調查科經理。 王一正與承開同在學堂出身,一向旗鼓相當,識英雄重英雄。一正處事冷靜,深思熟慮從不輕舉妄動。其後承開牽涉調查數宗兇案,一正亦負責偵查,二人一個刁鑽一個冷靜,互補長短、合作無間。 老差骨高仁乃承開同居好友,為人極度迷信兼風流成性,經常被承開姑姐朱美玉斥責。美玉牽涉兇案,幸得高仁相助擒獲真兇,二人感情大增。 承開與一正起初同時追求宋洛汶,洛汶的現代愛情觀終令二人忍受不住,與洛汶一刀兩斷、其後二人先後結識了婚紗店職員林茜,再次成為情敵,二人協議公平競爭。 林茜好友周麗雲為承開同事,一向與承開不和,不斷在林茜面前說承開壞話,結果林茜選擇了一正。 可能是天意弄人,麗雲其後卻與承開走在一起,起初覺鬥嘴是情趣,其後越吵越兇,擦出太多激烈火花,險釀成悲劇。 承開重遇洛汶,洛汶存心捉弄承開,令他誤會二人有可能重修舊好,林茜任洛汶婚宴司儀,當洛汶與新郎合巹交杯後,竟雙雙中毒倒斃!林茜的父親林永才被牽涉其中,而承開亦涉嫌因妒成恨毒殺洛汶……

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 25 Episodes
Release Date: 1996
Cast: Deric Wan, Jessica Hsuan, Derek Kwok