Hello Debate Opponent (Mandarin) – 你好 對方辯友

A Journey to Meet Love (Mandarin) - 一場遇見愛情的旅行
Evil Nights (Mandarin) - 罪夜無間

Description: 你好,对方辩友 / Nǐ Hao, Duifang Bian You
A coming-of-age story that follows a group of students with an interest in debate.

Freshman Bai Yu studies Culture Industry Management at Yingli University. He mistakenly attends the new member selection meeting of the debate club and ends up joining the club together with Yi Xiao Xi and others. Final-year student Gao Ting Ting, who dreams of winning the national University Debate Championship, now puts all her hopes on the new team. But the teacher in charge wants to give their practice room away, and in order to keep the room, Ting Ting’s team has to place first in the university’s own debate contest. Will their team of rookies with clashing personalities be able to achieve it?

你好,對方辯友》是青春校園劇 。穎立大學文化產業管理系大一新生白宇,誤闖文學院辯論社選拔現場,陰差陽錯地與歡喜冤家易小曦、孫晴等人加入了沉寂多年的文學院辯論社。夢想奪取全國高校辯論賽冠軍的大四學姐耿婷婷,在這支隊伍身上看到了最後的希望。然而團委唐老師突然要收回辯論社訓練教室,為保住訓練室,婷婷簽下生死狀:…

Times: 30 Episodes
Release: 15 April 2019