The Seven Deadly Sins (Cantonese) – 七大罪

The Seven Deadly Sins (Cantonese) - 七大罪 - Episode 01
Long Riders! (Cantonese) - 長騎美眉

Description: The Seven Deadly Sins is a group of highly-dangerous criminals, well-renowned for their attempt to overthrow the Kingdom of Liones. The Holy Knights have managed to scatter them, but year-after-year the Holy Knights are still on the move to capture them. Years later, a princess of the kingdom, Elizabeth, escapes to look for the Seven Deadly Sins. Awoken to the fact that it’s the Holy Knights who are the real threat to the kingdom and the world, Elizabeth risks her life to find the sins no matter what, as they are the only ones with the power that can match the corrupted Holy Knights of the Kingdom.

故事設定在虛構的大陸上的王國,而那裡的聖騎士們為了準備傳說中的聖戰而進行軍備強化,造成諸多暴行使整個國家民不聊生,他們甚至發動政變囚禁了國王。擔憂著國家現狀的第三王女,將救國的希望寄託於十年前因涉嫌顛覆王國而被通緝的騎士團「七大罪」,並獨自踏上尋找他們的旅程。疲憊不堪的王女誤入某間酒館,被一名金髮少年救下,而這名少年正是「七大罪」的團長,人稱「憤怒之罪 Dragon’s Sin 」。在將公主從危機中解救出來,並踏上拯救國家未來的旅途……

Language: Cantonese
Country: HongKong