Legendary Witch (Cantonese) – 傳說的魔女

Legendary Witch (Cantonese) - 傳說的魔女 - Episode 01
Argon (English subtitles) - 아르곤

Description: This drama is about four female inmates in Room 10 of the Chungjoo Women’s Prison who are charged with murder, fraud, stock manipulation, and attempted murder. These Four women are Moon Soo In (Han Ji Hye), Shim Bok Nyuh (Go Doo Shim), Son Poong Geum (Oh Hyun Kyung) and Seo Mi Oh (Ha Yeon Soo).

After being released, with the baking knowledge learned from the prison, they join to open a bakery shop which eventually compete againsta large bakery company run by a conglomerate.

因犯殺人罪、股價操縱罪、詐騙罪、殺人未遂罪而被關在清州女子教導所的四名女人, 在教導所裡學習了製作麵包的方法,並在重獲自由之後開了一家麵包店,以此為中心展開了一系列的故事

Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Director: Joo Sung Woo
Cast: Han Ji Hye, Go Doo Shim, Oh Hyun Kyung, Ha Yeon Soo, Ha Suk Jin
Genre: Romance, Family