Great Doctor – 信義 (Cantonese)

Great Doctor (Cantonese) - 信義 - Episode 01
Legend of Chu and Han - 楚汉传奇

Great doctor

Description: 高麗時代,高麗王的護衛部隊在迂達赤大將崔瑩(李敏鎬飾)的帶領下,護送元朝公主和高麗的新王恭愍王回高麗,途中被奇轍派來的人阻撓。元朝公主不幸遭到行 刺受傷,命在旦夕,而公主生死關乎高麗國的存亡。為求得「神醫」拯救公主,崔瑩藉由華佗離開的「天門」,穿越時空來到2012年,找到正在做講座的現代整 形外科女醫生柳恩修(金喜善飾)。

崔瑩認為恩修乃天界神醫,能治愈元朝公主的傷,於是帶她穿越時空回到高麗時代。恩修一直以為自己來到拍攝取景地,救活公主後打算回家,不料自己竟捲入了高 麗的政治陰謀中……恩修和崔瑩出生入死,患難中不自覺產生感情,這對原本屬於不同時空的戀人將面對怎樣的遭遇?恩修最終會選擇返回現代世界生活,還是為了 崔瑩留在高麗?

This drama shows the love between a warrior from the Goryeo Period and a female doctor from the present day, their love transcending time and space. Yoo Eun Soo (Kim Hee Sun) is a 33-year old plastic surgeon in the year 2012. She was originally a general surgeon, but quickly found that it was an overworked, under-paid profession and jumped ship to plastic surgery. Her dream is to someday open her own practice. But one day, Choi Young (Lee Min Ho) kidnaps her and takes her back to the Goryeo era because needing her medical skills. Their love story spans centuries but also warring beliefs. He gave up on love to be an unflinching warrior.
Language: Cantonese
Country: Korea
Release Date: 20 June 2014 (HDJ Channel)
Director: Kim Jong Hak
Cast: Lee Min Ho, Kim Hee Sun, Lee Philip, Ryu Duk Hwan, Park Se Young, Yoo Oh Sung, Choi Min Soo, Lee Min Young, Shin Eun Jung, Lee Byung Joon
Genre: Romance