Joseon Survival (English subtitles) – 조선 생존기

Joseon Survival (English subtitles) - 조선 생존기 - Episode 01
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Description: This drama is about Han Jung Rok (Kang Ji Hwan),a former national archer and current deliveryman from 2019. He ends up traveling to the past with his first love, Lee Hae Deun (Kyung Soo Jin) and meets Im Kku Jung (Song Won Suk),a famous thief from the Joseon dynasty. Together, they struggle to survive, put their lives at stake for the people they love, and share a strong friendship.

Fantasy, Historical, Romance
Kang Ji Hwan, Kyung Soo Jin, Song Won Suk, Park Se Wan, Lee Jae Yoon, Yoon Ji Min, Han Jae Suk
Jang Yong Woo
20 Episodes
08 June 2019
Production company(s):