Love In Time – 還來得及再愛你

Doom +5 - 末日+5
Beyond the Rainbow - 歲月樓情

hktv-love-in-time_06Description: This series’ 224 year old male protagonist has been guarding a painful past relationship for over 200 years.  As a young man growing up in a local village, he once endured tremendous tragedy that changed his life forever:   all the villagers – including the woman he loved – are killed by a demon; he is the lone survivor, saved by a blood-sucking baron.   Though alive, his broken heart is sealed in ice – despite the pain, he is unable to cry.  That is, until he meets the lively, energetic, and optimistic female protagonist who eventually melts his heart.  But one problem still exists – the male will never die, while the female will eventually see the end of her life.  Can this relationship truly be a match made in Heaven, or an example of Providence playing a trick on mankind?
Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): HKTV
Country: Hong Kong
Release Date: 02 June 2015
Times: 9 Episodes
Director: Fong Chun Wah
Cast: Danson Tang, Michelle Wai , Terence Yin , Sherming Yiu , Charles Ying , Kathy Yuen , Chan On Ying , Carlos Chan , Sin Ho Ying , Bond Chan , Rachel Lam, Wong Ho Ting