Crossing Boundaries – 盞鬼老豆

Ambition - 孽吻
No Good Either Way - 衝呀! 瘦薪兵團

Description: Chiu (Liu Wai Hung) was so lazy and useless that his wife Yin (Kung Che Yan) divorced him. They were separated for five years when he ran into a bank robbery where Ching (Hui Shiu Hung) was killed. Ching loved his wife Ting (Ma Man Yee) and his children very much. He took care of them with the help of Chiu’s body. This made Chiu realized the importance of his own family and he tried to woo back his wife. However, he was upset to know Yin had yet another suitor, Yuen (Hung Chiu Fung). Then, Ching was jeopardized by his ex-girlfriend Mui (Lam Ki Yan) and could not reincarnate. When Chiu learnt about this, he risked his life to help him…

本故事圍繞兩個現代家庭發生的事,鍾晴是個熱愛家庭的好丈夫、好父親,在意外橫死後,因掛念著塵世之事,竟意外獲得三個月期限,完成未了心願。 鍾晴之死為一向軟弱單純的太太葉娉婷帶來突如其來的打擊,卻也令娉婷這家庭主婦變得獨立能幹,而兩個兒女亦更加乖巧懂事,一家人相親相愛,溫馨融洽,可惜時間太短,鍾晴始終要在三個月後轉世投胎。 另一個破碎家庭,莊淑賢與賈昭本來兩小無猜,結婚後誕下一女,後因賈昭爛賭,二人終於離異。賈昭欲改變自己的性格,重新發奮上進,以圖與淑賢復合,期間卻出現了第三者劉志遠,一個有學識、有教養的富家公子。在多番追逐之下,淑賢終被賈昭的真誠所動,決意重投賈昭懷抱,領悟到愛一個人是可以包容他的缺點的,更讓兒子寶寶重獲一個完整的家庭。

Language: Cantonese
Production company(s): TVB
Country: Hong Kong
Times: 20 Episodes
Release Date: 1996
Cast: Mini Kung, Benz Hui