Nothing Gold Can Stay (Cantonese) – 那年花開月正圓

Nothing Gold Can Stay (Cantonese) - 那年花開月正圓 - Episode 01
Spin Fighters - 魔幻陀螺

Description: Zhou Ying is sold to the powerful Shen family by her foster father, yet successfully escapes her childish and bratty master Shen Xingyi by sneaking into merchant Wu Pin’s palanquin. After a failed business collaboration that resulted in Shen Yuesheng’s death, Shen Xingyi suspects Wu Pin as the culprit behind his older brother’s death, and injures him, causing Wu Pin to fall into a coma. After the bride-to-be’s family has a last-minute change of heart, Zhou Ying is married to Wu Pin in an effort to dispel bad luck. Miraculously, Wu Pin wakes up on the same night, and the couple share a happy few months together. Wu Weiwen, the patriarch of the family also agrees to educate her in the matters of commerce after witnessing her remarkable business acumen.

Unfortunately, Wu Pin is poisoned to death after getting too close to the truth of the failed business collaboration, and Wu Weiwen’s imprisonment and death a couple of months later leaves the entire household in disarray. Zhou Ying is determined to turn around their fortune by investing in a cloth factory in Shaanxi. Meanwhile, Shen Xingyi has also decided to turn over a new leaf, and starts anew in Shanghai. Shen Xingyi’s love for Zhou Ying is initially unrequited, though she eventually acknowledges that she has developed romantic feelings for him. However, romantic affections become of little importance in the face of political upheaval and personal revenge – Shen Xingyi joins the anti-Qing reformist movement while Zhou Ying avenges Wu Pin and her father-in-law’s deaths by taking Shen Sihai and Du Mingli head on.

After much struggle, Zhou Ying ultimately establishes a business empire, and also lends Empress Dowager Cixi a helping hand when she escapes to Jingyang.

周瑩(孫儷 飾)意外嫁入陝西吳氏家族,新婚不久丈夫猝然離世,她陷入各種利益博弈和紛爭,但她以特有的聰慧,睿智與堅忍,在錯綜複雜的情感糾葛與家族矛盾中,用自己的方式擔起吳家大業,成就了晚清女商聖的傳奇。

Language: Cantonese
Country: China